Washington, D.C. – June 23, 2022 – The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy is pleased to announce the following recent appointments to its Board of Directors and its Investment Committee.
Joining the Foundation’s Board of Directors are Michael Levine and Honey Skinner.
Dr. Michael Levine is a globally recognized leader in education and digital innovation research, policy and philanthropy. He currently serves as Senior Vice President, Learning and Impact, for Noggin, Nickelodeon’s direct-to-consumer interactive learning service for preschoolers and elementary age children.
Honey Skinner is a retired partner of the Sidley Austin law firm, where she specialized in the representation of large hospital systems. She continues to engage in health care as the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital Chair of Policy and Advocacy Advisory Council in Chicago, an Executive Committee Member of the Boca Grande Health Clinic Board of Directors in Boca Grande, Florida, and as a Director of Pathways.org.
The Board of Directors is chaired by Lori Wachs, partner at Springboard Growth Capital.
“Now, more than ever, it’s critical for nonprofits to draw on the expertise of leaders across multiple sectors to help ensure relevance and impact,” said Wachs. “I’m proud to welcome these new members and I look forward to working alongside them to support the Barbara Bush Foundation’s vital work.”
The Barbara Bush Foundation’s Investment Committee is a seasoned group of national finance experts that provides counsel on the management of the nonprofit’s investment portfolio. New appointees are Edward Antoian, Richard Kelly and Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.
Edward Antoian is a nationally recognized asset manager with decades of experience. He is the founder of Zeke Capital Advisors, a multifamily investment advisory oriented firm, and previously served as partner and senior portfolio manager for Chartwell Investment Partners.
Richard Kelly has extensive international investment experience, including decades of service at organizations such as JPMorgan Chase and Credit Suisse Group. Prior to his retirement, he most recently served as the head of the Cross Border Financial Advisory Group for Mizuho Securities USA.
Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz is a Certified Financial Planner and personal finance expert who has devoted her career to helping people from all walks of life achieve financial security. She has served two White House administrations on financial capability policy, and for nearly four decades has held various positions at The Charles Schwab Corporation. She currently serves as managing director at Charles Schwab, president of Charles Schwab Foundation, chair of Schwab Charitable, and also serves as chair of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
Raquel Rodriguez, attorney and shareholder for Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC, has been appointed as chair of the Investment Committee. Rodriguez has more than 30 years of experience in a wide variety of government, business and litigation matters. From 2002 to 2007 she served as general counsel to former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, working on some of the most critical issues facing the state. Her areas of expertise include banking, commercial, international, real estate, constitutional, administrative and election law. She also served as a member of the Investment Committee for the Florida Workers’ Compensation Joint Underwriting Association, as well as chair of its Audit Committee.
“We are honored that these nationally recognized leaders in education and finance are sharing their time and talent to help advance the mission of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy,” said British A. Robinson, president and CEO. “Their deep expertise will support the ongoing implementation of our innovative strategy, as well as sustainability to ensure the future impact of our programs and mission.”
The full membership of the Barbara Bush Foundation’s Board of Directors consists of: LaMar Bunts, Bitwise Industries (Treasurer); Jeb Bush, Jr., Jeb Bush and Associates; Chris Frangione, Frangione + Associates Innovation Advisors; Lynn Hirshfield, Participant Media; Doro Bush Koch, BB&R Wellness Consulting (Honorary Chair); Michael Levine, Nickelodeon; Rachel Mushahwar, Amazon Web Services; Christine Pina, Miss Porter’s School (Vice Chair); David Risher, Worldreader; British A. Robinson, Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy (President and CEO); Honey Skinner, Sidley Austin (Retired); Denine Torr, Dollar General (Secretary); Gwynn Virostek, Capital City Youth Services; and Lori Wachs, Springboard Growth Capital (Chair)
The Barbara Bush Foundation’s Investment Committee is composed of Edward Antoian, Zeke Capital Advisors; Richard Kelly, Mizuho Securities USA (Retired); John Rhee, SolarWindow Technologies; Raquel Rodriguez, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC (Chair); Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, The Charles Schwab Corporation; and Lori Wachs, Springboard Growth Capital.
About the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy: The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy has been the nation’s leading advocate for family literacy for more than three decades. Established by former First Lady Barbara Bush in 1989, the Foundation is a public charity dedicated to creating a stronger, more equitable America in which everyone can read, write and comprehend in order to navigate the world with dignity.
If you’re a member of the media or would like more information, you can reach Lauren Sproull, Vice President of Communications, at 850.562.5300 or Lauren.Sproull@barbarabush.org.